New Hampshire Cancer Diagnosis and Screening Mistake Lawyers
All forms of cancer pose a serious threat to the health and well-being of those who may develop these conditions. As such, many people seek to prevent the worst potential outcomes by undergoing regular screening for these illnesses. Unfortunately, far too many doctors and other medical professionals miss the clear warning signs indicating that a patient is at risk for developing cancer or has already developed it, resulting in potentially devastating consequences.
A wrong diagnosis or failed screening for cancer can result in serious medical complications and even death. Therefore, we at Crowe & Harris, LLP , believe that doctors in New Hampshire whose negligence allows these failures to occur should be held personally liable for the costs of their inaction. When a medical professional is held accountable for the harm their negligence caused to a patient whose cancer was misdiagnosed, it can provide essential financial assistance, not to mention justice, to the victim and his or her family.
Our Cancer Diagnosis and Screening Practice Areas
At Crowe & Harris, LLP , we know what it takes to provide patients with effective legal representation for cancer misdiagnosis in many different cases, including those that may involve:
Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis
When breast cancer is misdiagnosed, the effectiveness of advanced treatments for breast cancer may become severely diminished. Until breast cancer is accurately diagnosed, it may continue to dangerously affect a New Hampshire individual in the following ways:
- Spread of cancer cells
- Development of tumors
- Damage to internal organs
- Decreased physical strength / weakness
- Emergency surgery
When properly diagnosed at an early stage, women and men in stand to benefit the most from the advanced treatments available to breast cancer patients. As such, medical professionals who act negligently and misdiagnose breast cancer can be held responsible for their potentially dangerous actions or inaction.
Prostate Cancer Misdiagnosis
As an estimated 27,000 men lose their lives to prostate cancer every year, it is critical that this disease is quickly diagnosed. With that being said, New Hampshire doctors know what symptoms are indicative of prostate cancer and just how imperative early diagnosis can be. When not detected early enough, prostate cancer may metastasize, at which point the average prognosis for survival is only between one and three years. The New Hampshire prostate cancer misdiagnosis lawyers at Crowe & Harris, LLP , understand just how critical the early and accurate diagnosis of prostate cancer can be to its treatment.
If your prostate cancer was misdiagnosed, we will aggressively pursue financial compensation for his or her negligence. Our legal team is dedicated to holding medical professionals accountable for their actions, or lack thereof, and we want to help you if you are now suffering because of a delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis.
Colon Cancer Misdiagnosis
The prompt and accurate diagnosis of colon cancer can make a critical difference as to what treatment plans may be available. As such, the misdiagnosis of colon cancer can be devastating and the medical professionals responsible for the misdiagnosis may be held liable for their negligence. When not promptly and accurately diagnosed, the treatments that may have been available to you may no longer be able to prevent the spread of the colon cancer cells in your body. As such, should the cancer remain untreated, it is possible that the cancer cells may be allowed to progress to one of the following stages:
- Stage I – Cancer cells are contained within the colon wall.
- Stage II – Cancer cells may have spread beyond the colon wall but have not reached nearby lymph nodes.
- Stage III – Cancer cells have spread to nearby lymph nodes.
- Stage IV – Cancer cells have spread widely, possibly affecting internal organs.
Our New Hampshire colon cancer misdiagnosis attorneys are dedicated to holding medical professionals accountable for misdiagnosis, and we may be able to represent you in the pursuit of financial restitution.
Ovarian Cancer Misdiagnosis
If ovarian cancer is detected in its early stage, there is around an 89% chance of survival over the subsequent five years. However, if it is not identified until it has reached stage II or later, the survival rate over that same five year dramatically drops to 34%. With this in mind, medical professionals may be held financial liable if they are found to be negligent in their duties through either the misdiagnose or delayed diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Our New Hampshire ovarian cancer attorneys will aggressively pursue financial restitution from any medical professional whose misdiagnosis has impacted your life.
Lung Cancer Misdiagnosis
Once lung cancer has been accurately and promptly diagnosed in an individual, he or she may immediately begin a number of critical treatment plans. However, when medical professionals in New Hampshire misdiagnose or are late to diagnose lung cancer, the options available to their patients may be substantially reduced. If you or your loved one’s lung cancer was misdiagnosed, our legal team understands just how angry and helpless you may feel. We do everything we possibly can to hold doctors responsible for their actions, and we may also be able to work on your behalf.
Lung cancer affects men and women alike; nearly 155,000 people’s lives are claimed by lung cancer every year. When you have failed to receive adequate treatment, it may be time to take legal action.
Cervical Cancer Misdiagnosis
While physicians are trained to recognize the symptoms common to cervical cancer, some professional may mistake warning signs for another condition and, thereby, fail to order a test that would secure a diagnosis and save valuable time. Like most forms of cancer, the early diagnosis of cervical cancer can be critical in providing treatment plans that have the highest likelihood for success. A late diagnosis could mean a steeper medical bill to account for a more challenging and extensive treatment plan. Our New Hampshire cervical cancer misdiagnosis lawyers will aggressively pursue negligent physicians and work to hold them responsible for their mistakes.
Brain Tumor Misdiagnosis
While some of the symptoms associated with a brain tumor may be interpreted as symptomatic of some other ailment, any doctor practicing New Hampshire should know to order more comprehensive diagnostic tests when the any of the following symptoms are experienced together:
- Seizures
- Speech problems
- Memory problems
- Loss of coordination
- Loss of sensation in limbs
- Sensory loss, such as hearing loss or vision problems
- Changes in personality
- Confusion
- Headaches
If your or your loved one’s doctor failed to accurately recognize the symptoms of your or your loved one’s brain tumor, thereby denying the opportunity for prompt treatment, we can help hold that doctor accountable for his or her negligence.
Talk to a Cancer Diagnosis and Screening Attorney in New Hampshire
At Crowe & Harris, LLP , our lawyers are devoted to helping patients who have had their cancer misdiagnosed or improperly treated fight for justice and compensation. If your cancer has been wrongfully diagnosed or your doctor failed to properly screen for it, call (617) 404-3417 today. With our resources and knowledge, we may be able to successfully help you get much-needed financial compensation and closure.