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Massachusetts Has Second Lowest Rate Of Injury-related Deaths In U.S.


A new report states that Massachusetts has the second-lowest rate of injury-related deaths in the United States.

Massachusetts scores points for safety in a few different categories, including having a law that requires booster seats in vehicles for children, instituting vaccination programs for residents, and having a bicycle helmet law. However, the report also identified areas for improvement in the state, such as mandating the use of ignition interlock devices for drunk drivers as well as creating a primary seatbelt law.

The report noted that the leading cause of injury-related deaths in the state is drug overdose, which exceeds statistics for automobile accident cases.

Northampton public health director Merridith O’Leary said that more than 1,000 deaths in the state can be attributed to opioids – heroin and prescription drug use – in 2014, and said that number is bound to increase because three of the largest cities in the state have yet to report their data regarding the matter.

Despite these promising and encouraging statistics, the attorneys at Crowe & Harris, LLP , know that residents of Massachusetts still can do more to decrease the number of preventable accidents, deaths, and injuries that occur every year. If you or someone you love has been injured because of someone else’s recklessness or negligence, we are here to help. Call us today at (617) 404-3417 to learn more.
