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Your Guide to Catastrophic Injuries & Seeking Compensation

Man with a headache

Sustaining a severe injury can be devastating to a person. Some injuries are more severe than others, causing long-term damage. When someone sustains a catastrophic injury, personal injury law views their case differently. It’s vital to recognize what catastrophic injuries are and how they impact your claim.

Our team at Crowe & Harris, LLP wants to help you if you suffer a catastrophic injury. Below, we’ll explain a few of the most common injuries, why they’re so severe, and what you can do to safeguard your rights to pursue compensation.

Catastrophic injuries include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Burns
  • Severe fractures
  • Amputations

Call our firm today at (617) 404-3417 if you suffer injuries because of someone else’s actions.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Any damage to your brain can be devastating to experience. Unfortunately, these types of injuries can arise in nearly any situation involving negligence. Traumatic brain injuries can include direct trauma, acquired damage, or puncture damage (such as from an act of violence). Mild TBIs can include concussions, while the most severe can cause long-term problems.

A traumatic brain injury can cause someone to experience ongoing seizures in the most severe situations. A coma might also be possible, or the brain injury can lead to fatal damage. In any case, these are some of the worst damages, and seeking compensation is essential.


Paralysis occurs following damage to the spinal cord. When spinal cord injuries arise, the damage severity and location will often dictate the type of paralysis. The higher on the spine that a person suffers an injury, the more severe the injury.

If the injury occurs closer to the person’s neck and head, it can result in full quadriplegia. Injuries that occur lower down the spine can cause paraplegia and other damage. Suffering paralysis can cause someone to require the lifetime use of a wheelchair and ongoing medical care.


Burn injuries can cause lifelong physical and emotional damage. The cosmetic damage a person sustains from scarring and disfigurement after a burn can cause mental trauma, including low self-esteem and confidence issues.

The most severe burns can destroy layers of skin while also damaging the nerves, muscles, and other essential parts of the body. When nerve damage occurs, you might experience numbness in the area of the burn injury.

Severe Fractures

A person can suffer severely broken bones, including those where the bone breaks out of the skin. If the skin punctures outwards, it can cause further damage to muscle, ligaments, and more. It’s vital to get medical care as quickly as possible to promote healthy recovery. A person might experience ongoing pain that worsens with specific activities.


Amputations can occur because of infections, negligence, and more. In accidents, a person can lose a limb because of the collision. Losing a limb can significantly impact a person’s life, causing ongoing trauma and mental anguish that makes life more difficult and challenging.

When an injury is catastrophic, it can further impact a personal injury case. Catastrophic injury cases can result in more compensation, but it always helps to have a lawyer to maximize the amount you might be able to recover.

Our Boston personal injury attorneys at Crowe & Harris, LLP understand how devastating this situation can be. If you suffer a catastrophic injury because of negligence, know that our firm will stand in your corner and seek the maximum amount available to you. Trust our team to be there for you when you need someone on your side.

Call our firm at (617) 404-3417 today for your free consultation. We’ll answer your questions and work to give you peace of mind.
