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  • Personal Injury 2

    • I put pictures of my injury on Facebook.
      It is okay to talk to your immediate family about what happened to you, but you should be careful about talking to neighbors, friends, co-workers, or other people not related to you. These people could end up as witnesses, and you wouldn’t want something you said to be misinterpreted or taken out of context. For the same reason, you should be very careful about what you post on social media. Pictures or comments that you put on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or other social media sites, as well as texts or emails, may be misinterpreted, and hurt your case. But if you’ve already sent emails or posted information, don’t delete it – but do let us know about it.
    • I can’t get into Boston.
      We are happy to meet you by telephone or Zoom. While we usually enjoy meeting our clients in person, we know that that’s not always practical for our clients. Let us know what’s best for you, and we’ll arrange a telephone or video conference so you can tell us about your case, get your questions answered, and learn more about Crowe & Harris. Even when you and the world can accommodate in person meetings again, we’ll continue to offer virtual meetings for clients with health problems, transportation or travels issues, or other reasons, such as a client’s personal preference for a remote meeting. We want to make your experience as comfortable and convenient as possible.
    • I don’t want to go to court.
      Most clients don’t! Although it’s hard to predict early on whether a case will settle or go to trial, most cases settle. Our philosophy is to prepare every case thoroughly, as if it will be tried—because that’s how we believe we can get you the best settlement. If your case is one of the few that doesn’t settle before trial, we’ll make sure you’re carefully prepared on what will happen and what to expect at trial. You’ll also have plenty of advance notice, so you that can make necessary arrangements with work, child care, as well as with your other responsibilities.
    • I don’t know how much my case is worth.
      This is a natural question that’s very difficult to answer. The value of a case depends on the circumstances of the injury or death, how it affected the people involved, as well as a large number of other factors. While we can talk to you about the factors that will affect the value of your particular case, we can’t give you an exact number—and neither can anyone else. You may read about cases that sound similar to yours, but may be worth much less or much more than your case because of these individual factors. As your case moves through different stages, we’ll be able to give you better estimates about the value of your case, and what to expect from a settlement or trial.
    • I don’t know how to choose a law firm.
      Ask questions! When you choose a law firm, you’re choosing a group of people you should like and trust. Look for firms who have experience with your type or case, and who have the resources to conduct full investigations and gather evidence and witnesses. Ask about whether the lawyers actually try cases and how often. Learn who will be working on your case, and what each person will be doing. We offer a team of lawyers, nurses, and support staff who have lots of experience with personal injury claims, and have tried hundreds of cases. But most important, we offer a “hands on” approach with the senior partners, who are personally involved in each case to make sure that each client gets the benefit of all we have to offer. Unlike large-volume personal injury firms, which employ an impersonal, conveyer belt attitude toward case preparation, our approach to each case is highly individualized. We care about you.
  • Personal Injury

    • I am not sure if I even have a case.
      We can help you find out. If you or someone close to you has suffered a serious injury or death, and you think it might be someone else’s fault, please call us. Our experienced team of lawyers and nurses will talk to you about what happened, at no charge to you. If we think your case is worth investigating, we’ll do that, also at no charge. Whether the injuries resulted from medical treatment, a car or truck accident, construction or machinery, a dangerous or poorly maintained property or building, lack of security, or some other possible negligence, we have the resources to investigate whether a case has merit.
    • I don’t have the money to pay expensive attorney fees.
      You’re not alone - most of our clients couldn’t pay hourly rates. Crowe & Harris works on a contingent fee basis. That means that we will investigate the case at no charge, and if we think it has merit, we’ll advance the costs necessary to bring the case. You pay our fee and expenses only if we are able to get compensation for you. If the case isn’t successful, you pay nothing.
    • I don’t have a lot of time to spare to meet with lawyers or gather evidence.
      Part of our job is to handle your case, so that you can focus on your day-to-day responsibilities. After the initial meeting, your personal involvement may be limited to a couple of hours or days during the case, and these will be scheduled with plenty of notice, at times that are convenient for you. In addition, we may ask you to collect things from around your house, like calendars, appointment cards, photographs or videos, phone or text messages, receipts, or other items connected to your case. We’ll talk with you about what to gather, and how to do it. And don’t worry if you haven’t saved everything or even anything at all. There are lots of different ways to get information.
    • I’m not the kind of person who likes to sue.
      Our clients don’t bring cases because they like it. They file claims because there’s been a serious injury or death caused by someone else’s negligence. This is usually the only way to get the compensation they deserve and need to care for themselves and their families. And it’s an important way to make sure that people and companies are held accountable for their negligence—so that the same thing doesn’t happen to someone else.
    • I’m worried that I’ll never hear from you.
      One of the things we’ll discuss when we first meet you is how and how often you want us to contact you. If you have a case, we’ll probably be working together for quite a while. Some people want to hear every detail, while others only want us to let them know if something really important happens. Some people like phone calls, while others prefer emails, so they can have a record of the conversation. We try hard to accommodate each client’s preferences. You’ll also have phone numbers and emails for everyone working on your case, so you can reach us at any time. In general, you should expect that, with very few exceptions, we’ll always get back to you the same day you call.